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Our Approach

Working jointly for positive results

We believe that each child is unique and therefore tailor our work specifically to suit each child's individual needs.  At the same time we understand the very real difficulties often experienced by children and young people with developmental delays, social communication differences, neurodisability and long-term health conditions.   These difficulties come in many forms (e.g. emotional, behavioural, social, cognitive and academic) and often cause a great deal of worry and stress for both the children themselves and their families.    

Our aim is to combine the individual experiences of the young people we work with, with our extensive knowledge of brain-behaviour relationships and the psychological needs of children. By understanding why a child experiences the challenges they do, then is when we can begin to find ways to resolve it. 

We  pride ourselves in working jointly and compassionately with children, their parents and families.  When it is felt to be helpful (with parental permission), we will work with the other important people in the child’s life, such as schools and care teams.  

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